Wednesday, June 29, 2011


What is SaXXX about and Like, What Have I come to be Enlighted about in This Life?

by Sj Foru on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 2:47pm
You know? Everybody wants to make it big! I just want to (Live) make it! Big or Small it really doesn't matter to me! I live for every moment I get in life. People think I just arrived, I have lived everywhere and have had some of everything, and done so many things in my 45 yrs that some of u r still trying to do and get and that's all  great, I say go for it! I did. You see I'm not a boaster, I'm just saying I'm Happy and Content with being who I am and doing whatever I do for fun and funds. I'm not a young girl looking to be the next top thing! and if your a young person and that's what you want then by all means, but as far as for me. People, I'm not looking to be a star, I have been and I am and always have been from birth!

I don't look to the world for all those things that others think will make them look happy, better and/or bigger to others. I am Happy being and doing Simply Me. Cause I don't need the world DRAMA and it's fake thrills or people. All I need is air to breath, food to eat, shelter to lay my ass down and the love I give to myself everyday and also that of Gods which I get UNCONDITIONALLY each and everyday of my life. People life is good once you let go of running around in "The Rat Maze" looking for that MOLDY PIECE OF CHEESE ie (Lot's of money, that you will probably spend foolishly, then become Broke, Fast Cars that you will drive so fast showing off that you will dam near kill yourself and/or others in. oh Yeah and Lots of fake ass Friends (an ENTOURAGE) That will leave your ass and talk about you like a dog once you stop giving to them and/or letting them hang all over with/you, Clothing, Jewelery and all those things that if not managed well in this economy? will be MORE PROBLEMS/THAN MONEY TO YA! CAUSE The more you BUY the more your gonna have to GRIND to try and keep up with it ALL! LOL! Oh and God Forbid! you don't want everyone to see you in a modest home with a modest car and a savings that will do you well in the coming years. Cause The People of The World Have made Us all think the more the Bigger, The Better of a Person You Must Be! But That Is Just a LYE! and You Know it! (Don't Front!) You see for me, while everyone else was looking for cheese that the mice ate up while they was EGO TRIPPING! ( PUFFED UP) saying I'm the baddest this and I got the baddest that. I was looking for the EXIT DOOR!
I'm Not Trying to out do others, that is so not my style. I live my life MODEST and CARE FREE while putting my paper away for those rainy days. I'm not hurting to kill myself to get it all or be the baddest Chick, whoring, porning or otherwise. I do what I do to make ends meet!  Not to knock anyone for doing whatever that makes them happy, I'm just saying this is and for me. Nor do I do what I do to get you all to Like Me Or even be like me? or me be like them? It's just not REALISTIC! and I it will never have an effect (Negativity) on my life. I won't let it! Cause I LOVE ME! I have 45yrs of training and Learning in "How To Care/Love MYSELF and " I Care NOT What OTHERs (Trifling/Gossiping/hateful) type people may Say Or Try to DO" and I still have a many beautiful years left to gain more wisdom/ knowledge. So there no need to try a mark me. People hate that I keep to myself, I do this for there safety and mine. Cause I'm not one to play games. And I'd rather be and go it alone then deal with peoples bullshit! All the games that are now being played in biz and or relationship wise.

PS. Don't take what I'm saying personally, take it as what SaXXX is about and How I am. Be at Peace and CONTENT sometimes with yourself n the WORLD around you. I am Always, Finally! Sincerely!